Christ's Sanctified Holy Church

Conduct of Funerals

(Adopted by Board of Extension July 23, 2008 latest amendment January 18, 2022)


Christ's Sanctified Holy Church has a long and rich tradition for simple spirit filled services. Nowhere is thistradition more evident than in the funeral services we conduct. We as a church believe that these traditions haveserved us well and want this simplicity to continue. As our society becomes more affluent and the practice of excess becomes more commonplace, we want to be mindful of our practices and liberty in order to preserve the simplicity, respectfulness and dignity of our funeral services and memorial services for cremains. It is toward this end that the following guidelines are established.


1)    All funeral and graveside services are to be conducted and officiated by individuals who are sanctified, active members of Christ's Sanctified Holy Church. These qualified individuals may be chosen by the family of the deceased. Only those individuals so qualified shall speak at the funeral and graveside services.

2)    All visitations/viewings are to be conducted by an individual who is a sanctified, active member of Christ'sSanctified Holy Church. Visitations/viewings are for the benefit of family and friend to express their love forthe deceased. Individuals who are not members of Christ's Sanctified Holy Church may be allowed to speak at visitations/viewings at the discretion of the individual conducting the visitation/viewing. Visitations/viewings may be held the evening prior to or the morning of the funeral service.

3)    It is the preference of Christ's Sanctified Holy Church that traditional burial methods are used for interment. However, memorial services for cremains will be permitted. All cremains shall be interred by a licensed funeral director.

4)    Recently many funeral homes have begun to provide memorial dvd's of pictures of the deceased and their families. While we recognize the ability of these to evoke wonderful memories they shall not be shown in the sanctuary (neither the sanctuary proper, the foyer, nor the family room.) We prefer that the quietness and dignity of these areas be maintained and not be invaded by pre-recorded audio visual media. We want to create an atmosphere that will encourage personal interaction with both family and visitors. Display of still photos is allowed and should only be done in a tasteful manner.

5)    In accordance with our tradition, no instrumental music or any pre-recorded material of any kind shall be performed or played either in the sanctuary, at the graveside, or in route to the graveside.

6)    For simplicity, no animals shall be used during any ceremony and no rites or rituals not commonly practiced by Christ's Sanctified Holy Church shall be performed.

7)    The family or the minister in charge shall call the Board of Extension's representative (currently Ronnie Barnes (770) 318-8140) to discuss the services before any final plans are made. During this call the minister(s) should be approved and anything that is planned that may be perceived as different from a routine service shall be discussed.

8)    No funerals will be conducted on the following days:

·      New Year's Day

·      Easter

·      Mother's Day

·      Father's Day

·      The first Sunday of Camp Meeting

·      Thanksgiving

·      Christmas

9)    Use of the Chapel for funeral services will be suspended from the Saturday prior to Camp Meeting through the last Saturday of Camp Meeting.


Cafeteria Guidelines for Funerals

(Revised January 18, 2022)


1.              Lunch may be served at noon before full funerals conducted on the campground, provided the funerals are heldat 2 PM. The family of the deceased (served first), all residents of the campground and attendees of the funeral are welcome.

2.              Cafeteria will not be available for graveside only services.

3.              Cafeteria will not be available the week prior to or the week of camp meeting.