The loss of a loved one is very devastating, and planning a funeral can be overwhelming, especially if the family has not experienced it before. We are blessed with a wonderful team of members that minister to the families of the bereaved, and make sure that their needs are met during this time.

If you intend to hold a funeral service and bury your loved one at the Camp Ground, it is extremely important that Bro. Ronnie Barnes is contacted at 770-318-8140 before plans are finalized, either by a family member or the officiating minister. Prior approval for the date and time of the service and of the minister is required. In addition, Bro. Ronnie will provide information about obtaining a burial plot and a memorial stone.



The renovation and maintenance of the cemetery is ongoing. The goal is to keep it in the best possible shape. Unlike public cemeteries, the CSHC cemetery does not collect maintenance fees, but relies completely on donations for maintenance and improvements.

The current renovation is being done in multiple phases:

Phase 1 has been completed. It consisted of removing the existing grass and resodding the part of the cemetery that is west of the Dormitory. This also involved some grading work for better drainage, upgrades to the irrigation system, and replacement of several of the concrete runners beneath the memorial stones. 

Phase 2 will be replacing the oldest asphalt. The budget for this phase is $60,000. The funding must be in place for it to begin.  Donations for this project are currently being requested – any contribution made for the improvement of the cemetery would be greatly appreciated. 



CSHC Burial Fund is a separate fund than the cemetery fund. Its purpose is to minister to the burial needs of church members, and to share in the burden of their loss. None of these funds are applied to the beautification or maintenance of the cemetery. Members must pay into this fund yearly to stay an active member.  See your local crowd representative for more information.