Pecan Orchard and Farm 

When the Church purchased the Campground property in 1938, there was a mature pecan orchard on the farm. Over the years the orchard has been expanded to the west. Irrigation and professional management were added. The yields have continually provided an income stream to help defray the costs of Campground operations. In 2020, renovation of the old orchard was begun by thinning out unproductive trees, pruning the remaining trees, drilling a new well, replacing the irrigation, and interplanting new varieties. Over the next 10 years the newly planted trees will replace the old trees that are nearing the end of their productive life. This renovation will result in a more productive orchard with renewed longevity. In 2022 additional acreage to the west was planted and a new orchard was established where pine trees were before. Combined, the Church now owns approximately 275 acres of pecans. The Church also has additional acreage in planted pine trees that are periodically harvested. We are thankful for the farm and pecan orchard. God has graciously provided the produce from these assets to provide resources to maintain our beautiful Campground.