Youth Activities and Bible School

BIBLE SCHOOL- Each year Bible School is hosted for children ages 4- 12 years of age which is hosted by various congregations. Bible School is held in the chapel on Monday, through Friday.  On Friday evening, at 6:30pm, the children will perform in a program in the sanctuary. We will sing songs and tell what we learned this week.  

Years Crowds Host Bible School:

2024 Wilmington/ Jacksonville

2025 Atlanta/ Leesburg

2026 Raleigh

2027 Charleston

2028 Columbia County/ Jemison/ Campground

2029 Columbia/ Greensboro

2030 Chespeake 

YOUTH PARK- Christ’s Sanctified Holy Church’s Youth Park is intended to provide a safe environment for the youth members to assemble during Camp Meeting and work weekends, fostering an atmosphere of fellowship and community. The Youth Park also serves as a communal space for Campground residents to come together for fellowship. Our church’s primary objective is to inspire people to obtain salvation through Jesus Christ and encourage those who have. When not in use by our church members, the Youth Park can be used to demonstrate God's love and proclaim the gospel of Jesus Christ to the broader community.